#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = DELWP Phase 2 ## Skin ### Button Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0.label = Welcome Area Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448.label = Information Videos Button_1B9A6D00_16C4_0505_4197_F2108627CC98.label = Information Zone Button_221B5648_0C06_E5FD_4198_40C786948FF0.label = lorem ipsum Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum Button_B38A665A_AB25_381F_41D7_51F6D1F5F421.label = Provide us with your feedback Button_F98AA081_E887_FE8A_41DD_0A27913FC30F.label = Draft SWS ### Multiline Text HTMLText_221B6648_0C06_E5FD_41A0_77851DC2C548.html =

address line 1
address line 2

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac.
HTMLText_23F067B8_0C0A_629D_41A9_1A1C797BB055.html =
Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet

consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi bibendum pharetra lorem, accumsan san nulla.

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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Panorama list:
## Media ### Title map_A693E5CA_BF96_A5B8_41E1_AE88B8176966.label = DELWP0187pt7_Consultation_DiscussionDraftPoster_v2 map_AFCD5B20_BA6E_ED1A_41CE_72D11C92B6A4.label = SplashScreen map_BE1C65EC_A5DC_F8AA_41DA_E46D1A454DED.label = DELWP0187pt7_Consultation_Posters_v5_Page_8 panorama_B246932E_BDD1_C350_41D7_E57610E50FF5.label = DEWLP_Pano_2 - Panorama panorama_B3009010_BDD0_FD4C_41DF_204E48B96A62.label = DEWLP_Pano_1 - Panorama panorama_B36664A2_BDD1_C555_41D8_ED2AAE96E662.label = DEWLP_Pano_3 - Panorama video_428A88B1_5F7E_3F34_4198_05BC02B71FFA.label = Key Challenges (No Voiceover) video_485282EC_5FCB_F35A_41CF_27EFD5787641.label = Overview (No Voiceover) video_E26090BB_EC08_F0D3_41DF_C3114438D8A9.label = Desalination - Sustainable Water Strategies - English [NO SOUND] video_F7B7C15D_EC0B_B61A_4180_0BA6A150BCC7.label = Central Gippsland Region - Sustainable Water Strategies - Vietnamese [NO SOUND] video_FA280898_EC18_537A_41D6_A7DC3A0DD9F0.label = Traditional Owners and Water - Sustainable Water Strategies - English [NO SOUND] video_FC4C9A79_EC08_5139_41E5_0DE9EE10A57A.label = Recycled Water - Sustainable Water Strategies - English [NO SOUND] video_FC5D4981_EC39_F3BE_41D1_E67F63177D35.label = Have your say on Dams - Sustainable Water Strategies - English [NO SOUND] ## Popup ### Body htmlText_4D969B85_5F4A_31DD_41C9_D6CC065235A0.html =
Read the discussion draft Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy and join the conversation by giving us your feedback here.
htmlText_CDB1F844_EC08_A952_41E2_D36206B1E5E1.html =
How we grow our water supplies
Our population is growing and so is the demand for more water. Building more dams isn’t the solution because in the future there won’t be enough rain to fill them. We need to grow our water supplies as our population grows and invest in new water supplies that don’t rely on rainfall.
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How we use all sources of water
To meet our growing water needs we need to use all water sources including desalination (for drinking and everyday use) and recycled water (for non-drinking uses like watering crops or sporting fields and for industry). Stormwater can also help to boost our water supplies.
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This Strategy is a once in a decade opportunity to plan how we will manage our future water needs. Working with the community, the water industry and Traditional Owners we have developed a discussion draft of the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy.
Forecast drier conditions and a growing population mean we need to plan now, and we need your help to meet the water challenges in your region. We encourage you to view the videos in our video zone for more information and provide us with your feedback on the proposed solutions to secure our water future.
You can help us by:
Doing a tour of the room, where we have information on our current challenges and the discussion draft strategy as well as videos with more information
Complete the survey questions (5 minutes)
The plan is divided into three regions to best address the unique needs of each area. Scroll to the map and give us a thumbs up or down for some of the ideas we have for the region (5 minutes)
Read through the discussion draft of the Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy and provide us with your feedback on the proposed directions. You can either read the whole document or just scroll through to the sections of interest to you.
Traditional Owners are the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters. They have a customary obligation to care for Country and a deep spiritual connection to it. The Registered Aboriginal Parties in the Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy Region include:
• Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
• Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation
• Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
• Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
• Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation
How we support Healthy Country, Healthy Mob Traditional Owner groups are providing insights and expertise in the planning and management of water in Victoria. To find out more, read the chapter prepared by the Traditional Ownership Partnership for the discussion draft of the Strategy. Self-Determination Reform Strategy (delwp.vic.gov.au)
Sustainable Water Strategies – Future Looking
Victoria State Government
Environment, Land, Water and Planning
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How we invest to secure our water supplies
Currently the costs of water supplies are passed on to water users through their water bills. The Victorian Government could contribute to some of the costs of new water supplies where there are multiple benefits for the community, beyond the supply of water.
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How we use water more efficiently
Victorians can be proud of their efforts to save water, however we can all continue to do our bit – in our cities and towns, businesses and schools, on farms and in industry. Taking a shorter shower, using water efficient appliances and machinery,
and monitoring water leaks can all result in significant water savings.
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How we share and manage water
With less water available in our rivers we need to consider how we use and share this precious resource. Using all water sources helps to free up water in our rivers – to support native fish, platypus and other species, and for tourism and recreational activities such as fishing, boating and kayaking. It also creates opportunities to return water to Traditional Owners.
## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A8C93DC4_A525_2F96_418B_7D3BFF1B1C71.toolTip = Click here to view the Information Board HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AA8DCC2A_A52D_EC96_41D0_635907D81FB7.toolTip = Click here to view the Information Board HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_AADCA23A_A52F_54F7_41B6_9866B52E5EAD.toolTip = Click here to view the Information Board HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B50E47FD_A52D_5B6C_41AB_A51A1606E438.toolTip = Click here to view the Information Board HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B521EEB6_A52D_6DFC_41C0_43872187D4D0.toolTip = Click here to view the Information Board HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B52E5C76_A52F_6D7C_41E0_6582DAEF9724.toolTip = Click here to view the Information Board ## Action ### PDF PopupPDFBehaviour_4774438C_5CCA_51E0_41D3_0DCF113A2855.url = files/DELWP0187pt8_CentralGippslandRegion_SWS_DraftDocument_v27_web-compressed_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_ADA6931F_BDF0_C367_41E5_BFB9A2CFEBE9.url = files/DELWP0187pt8_CentralGippslandRegion_SWS_DraftDocument_v27_web-compressed_en_en.pdf PopupPDFBehaviour_CD152636_EC07_D8DF_41E9_3EF8AB5F393F.url = files/TheCentralandGippslandSustainableWaterStrategy_DiscussionDraft_en.pdf ### URL LinkBehaviour_A11FAFBC_BFAE_6496_41D3_EE827D0FB2B5.source = https://delwp.publish.viostream.com/internal?v=ny1ykcsdm3qoyk LinkBehaviour_A1D5D160_BFAA_5DB2_41E4_FBD873777A69.source = https://delwp.publish.viostream.com/internal?v=ny1ykcsdm7nscm LinkBehaviour_A65A329C_BFAA_5C92_41CC_76DA960EF223.source = https://delwp.publish.viostream.com/internal?v=ny1ykcsdm7nts1 LinkBehaviour_A6996840_BFAA_AB0F_41D0_D8EC46C904CA.source = https://delwp.publish.viostream.com/internal?v=ny1ykcsdm1aw1x LinkBehaviour_A6A397E3_BFAE_64EE_41B8_30ADDF4E0016.source = https://delwp.publish.viostream.com/internal?v=ny1ykcsdm1aig7 LinkBehaviour_A6E021BE_BFAE_5D40_41DF_1B02B37FC877.source = https://delwp.publish.viostream.com/internal?v=ny1ykcsdm3qxus LinkBehaviour_BC45BBC8_A5E7_28DE_41DF_777BFADBD11E.source = https://www.tisnational.gov.au/ LinkBehaviour_BED8CBFA_A5DD_E8A2_41D8_09339ED9F49F.source = https://www.google.com PopupWebFrameBehaviour_421DA8B8_5F46_5F34_41BB_F9C6F6EF7DA4.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/WVxvIrD7j68 PopupWebFrameBehaviour_4D4DE808_5F7A_3ED4_41BB_A9EFDD32F5D8.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/4Ch1U-5dgog PopupWebFrameBehaviour_4D7F3661_5F7A_F354_41C4_8B80E794B627.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/5eQrc_rny8o PopupWebFrameBehaviour_CD245189_EC08_58FA_41DC_6ACCA0013C08.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/W7ALHJGg5j0?v=W7ALHJGg5j0 PopupWebFrameBehaviour_CD9C5377_EC0F_D829_419C_276F0E9105F9.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/gD-aLKqosfQ?app=desktop&v=gD-aLKqosfQ&feature=youtu.be PopupWebFrameBehaviour_CDE281C8_EC08_58B9_41B0_94802B43241A.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/g1H7AZyYqUk?v=g1H7AZyYqUk PopupWebFrameBehaviour_F6CF6853_EC78_561B_41E2_AC2C7E6AD4C5.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/_CR-lNkgftE?v=_CR-lNkgftE PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FC7E9ACD_EC38_51A0_41DE_23C48F92B6B5.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/1qo08-ka42Q?v=1qo08-ka42Q PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FE126625_EC08_51F6_41DB_99413F25149D.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/RoFiubpuE0o?v=RoFiubpuE0o PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FE50DDFD_EC08_6D24_41E2_63C3A50DD70A.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/MMyN6H-Y_sM?app=desktop&v=MMyN6H-Y_sM&feature=youtu.be PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF0EC6A3_EC08_5FDC_41CE_BEB8920E10FB.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/UgdlvZPro2A?app=desktop&v=UgdlvZPro2A&feature=youtu.be PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF16E2FC_EC08_F6BC_41C8_2E5CD2F7D177.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/I_8-G84yPgA?v=I_8-G84yPgA PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF24B9C7_EC08_52B1_41E7_AB3FFB58C13C.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/m-ImG6gckOg PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF2990D4_ECFB_D2BA_41EC_2BB4FC058EA9.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/GIbHRvCJmY4?app=desktop&v=GIbHRvCJmY4&feature=youtu.be PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF5E32AF_ECF8_56EE_41DD_33AB9E24136E.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/y5rGCTz-Iz0?app=desktop&v=y5rGCTz-Iz0&feature=youtu.be PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF66689A_ECF8_52A1_41B8_F27A92D2E39D.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/E6hMskRn5Jg?app=desktop&v=E6hMskRn5Jg&feature=youtu.be PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF69BC7C_EC08_724E_41B6_37B8DB3FF731.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/cBFqatXWlms?v=cBFqatXWlms PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FF7BFCF6_EC0B_B322_41DF_3D6E61053CAD.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/XLk-KaKMCUU?v=XLk-KaKMCUU PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FFB1ECF6_EC08_5256_41EB_BC6150103B37.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/Vlfrp0gApYI?v=Vlfrp0gApYI PopupWebFrameBehaviour_FFDA76F0_ECF8_5E65_41E7_BAA9384B55FB.url = //www.youtube.com/embed/dZ198Znu0O4?app=desktop&v=dZ198Znu0O4&feature=youtu.be